Integrasi life skills ke dalam program pelatihan bulutangkis untuk pengembangan pemuda yang positif


  • Deris Maulana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Herman Subarjah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Amung Ma’mun Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Badminton Training, Life skills, Positive Youth Development


This study aims to determine the effect of integrating life skills into a badminton training program for positive youth development. The study method used was experimental with the Quasi-Experimental Design model. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The number of samples were 30 male youth aged 11-21 years which were divided into three groups, namely: Badminton training group with structured and planned life skills integration into a training program by 15 youth (group A); Badminton training group without integration of life skills in an exercise program by 10 youth (group B); and groups that did not attend badminton training by 10 youth (group C). One-way Anova analysis found that there were differences in the development of life skills from the three groups. The development of group A's life skills is higher than group B and group C and group B is higher than group C. In practice, badminton has the potential to develop badminton skills and life skills. With the hope that young people consider badminton not only a game but it is their life and applying life skills outside the context of badminton or in everyday life.



How to Cite

Maulana, D., Subarjah, H. ., & Ma’mun, A. (2021). Integrasi life skills ke dalam program pelatihan bulutangkis untuk pengembangan pemuda yang positif. Jurnal Pijar: Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran, 5(2). Retrieved from


